Linux ci Wolof
Présentation du cours
Ak formation bi, da nga mana am ab buntu ci Linux - commands yi.
1Linux ci Wolof
Leçon 1: GNU/Linux #1 - Introduction | Wolof
Leçon 2: GNU/LINUX #2 - How to Install Ubuntu Linux on VirtualBox | Wolof
Leçon 3: GNU/Linux #3 Terms - Synthesis - Getting Help | Wolof
Leçon 4: GNU/Linux #4 jëf laante ak fichiers yi | Wolof
Leçon 5: GNU/Linux #5 jëf laante ak fichiers yi | Wolof
Leçon 6: GNU/LINUX #6 jëf laante ak dossiers yi | Wolof
Leçon 7: GNU/LINUX #7 | Wolof
Leçon 8: GNU/LINUX #8 - Piping and Redirection 1 | Wolof
Leçon 9: GNU/LINUX #9 - Piping and Redirection 2 | Wolof
Leçon 10: GNU/LINUX #10 - Stderr, Stdout, Stdin, /dev/null and redirection | Wolof
Leçon 11: GNU/Linux #11 - VI Editor | Wolof
Leçon 12: GNU/Linux #12 - Permissions 1 | Wolof
Leçon 13: GNU/Linux #13 - Permissions 2 | Wolof
Leçon 14: GNU/LINUX 14 - #Processes | Wolof
Leçon 15: GNU/LINUX 15 - #Package_Management | Wolof
Leçon 16: GNU/LINUX 16 - #Searching For Files | Wolof
Leçon 17: GNU/LINUX #17 - Wildcards in Linux | Wolof
Leçon 18: Gnu/Linux #18 - File Compression and Archiving
Leçon 19: GNU/LINUX #19 - Create Hard and Symbolic Links in Linux | Wolof
Leçon 20: GNU/LINUX #20 - How to create, modify and delete an user account in Linux | Wolof
Leçon 21: GNU/LINUX #21 - Groups and permissions in Linux | Wolof
Leçon 22: GNU/LINUX #22 - Managing Storage in Linux | Wolof
Leçon 23: GNU/LINUX #23 - Linux Basic Networking Commands | Wolof
Leçon 24: Gnu/Linux #24 - Firewall (Pare-feu) | Wolof
Leçon 25: GNU/LINUX #25 - The Root Filesystem | Wolof
Leçon 26: GNU/LINUX #26 - The LAST System Shutdown and Restart | Wolof